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토스 토익스피킹 part2 파트2 공부방법 팁 템플릿

by Hmile 2022. 1. 3.

파트2 - 사진 묘사 (총 11문제 중 3, 4번 문제)

3번 문제 - 준비시간 45초, 시험시간 30초

4번 문제 - 준비시간 45초, 시험시간 30초

파트2는 빠르게 사진에 대한 특징을 잡아내고 묘사해내는 파트이다


1. 전체적인 배경에 대해 설명

I think this picture was taken in/at~

I think this picture was taken in an office.


I think this picture was taken at a 레스토랑.


2. 중심인물(사물)을 한명(하나) 선택하여 설명

The first thing I can see is ~


There are many people in a picture.

The first thing i can see is a man typing on a keyboard.

He is wearing a gray t-shirt.


The first thing I can see is a man taking an order from 3 people.


There are 3 people in this picture.

They are wearing a blue polo shirt.

The first thing I can see is a man mopping the floor.


3. 중심인물(사물)을 필두로 주위의 사람 및 사물에 대한 부가적인 설명
​On the left side of the picture~ / On the right side of the picture~

On the top of the picture~ / On the bottom of the picture~


On the right side of the picture, another man is eating something while sitting in a chair.

On the left side of the picture, another man is looking outside he is sitting in a chair too.


On the right side of the picture, 2 people are talking to each other.

On the left side of the picture, there is an empty(엠티) table.


On the left side of the picture, a woman is (wiping a table/cleaning the table).

Behind her I can see some shelves.

On the table, there is a monitor.


* 사람은 –ing로 (주로 동작으로) 표현하고 사물은 상태나 이름으로 주로 표현


4. 인물(사물) 설명이 끝나고 배경에 대한 설명


Outside the window, there are (many/some) people.


In the background of the picture, 2 women(위민) are (looking outside/talking to each other too).


In the background of the picture, another man is (using a vacuum cleaner/vacuuming the floor).


5. 사진의 전체적인 모습 (위의 내용을 다 말하고도 시간이 남으면 하기, 생략가능)​


It seems like this picture was taken in 인디아.


It seems like they are having lunch at a 레스토랑.


It seems like they are cleaning their office.


It seems like they are university students.

토스 토익스피킹 part2 파트2 공부방법 팁 tip 템플릿
