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토스 토익스피킹 part5 파트5 공부방법 팁 템플릿

by Hmile 2022. 1. 4.

파트5 - 의견제시하기 (총 11문제 중 11번 문제)

11번 문제 - 준비시간 30초, 시험시간 60초

파트5는 주장과 근거를 가지고 의견을 제시하는 파트이다
( 파트3처럼 모니터 화면에 문제가 있다 )



I agree/disagree with the statement that (주어진 제시문).

I think that (주어진 제시문).



Most of all,​ ~~~


주장과 근거

유형1) 과거방식-문제점설명-현재방식

유형2) 과거배경-문제점설명-대안설명

유형3) 배경-경과

유형4) 배경-문제점




​As a result, ~~~



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Business leaders today are more concerned about public opinions than business leaders in the past.

Give specific reasons or examples to support your opinion.


(입장) I agree with the statement that Business leaders today are more concerned about public opinions than business leaders in the past

(이유) Most of all, it is helpful to get business ideas.

(배경) In the case of a famous CEO in korea, He is concerned about public opinions.

(경과) So, he does a survey very often(어픈) to get customers’ opinions. Also, he uploads a picture almost everyday on his instargram page.

(결과) As a result, most people like his company.

토스 토익스피킹 part5 파트5 공부방법 팁 템플릿
